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Socrates in the Classroom, Rationales and Effects of Philosophizing with Children, Stockholms universitet:
150 kronor + postage
Ordering number: #0001
This doctorial dissertation presents two sections. The first section describes and analyzes the different Socratic traditions and their intended goals and effects. The second part is an analysis of Socratic seminars with children and youngsters, conducted during three years.
The School of Today will Create the Society of Tomorrow, The educational ideas of Celestin Freinet, häfte Mimer akademien/ Norna förlag:
150 kronor
Ordering number: #0007
An introduction to the pedagogical methods of Celestin Freinet, French progressive teacher during the first half of the 20th century. His methods, how they are interpreted in educational practice today, and their historic roots are presented, as well as Freinet’s own text “The Educational Constants” in translation.
Pihlgren, Ann S (2008) Thinking Together, I: V. Lindberg och K. Borg: Kunskapande, kommunikation och bedömning i gestaltande utbildning, Stockholm universitets förlag.
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