About us
The company
Kunskapskällan Development-Leadership-Quality AB was formed in 2000 by Ann and Kjell Pihlgren, who for many years have been working with developing public, private and political organisations.
We are a small family bussiness with prompt service and a small and effective administration. Kunskapskällan’s bussiness concept is that to small and big organisations offer a wide register of achievements withing development, leadership and quality. We work through our network of experts with their daily experience from private and public bussiness, from the political sector and from civil service and from the pedagigical field.
We are easy to reach and as a customer you get quick access to our services. We are stationed in Bergshamra, in the middle of Roslagen.
Our economy is solid. Kunskapskällan AB have by both UC AB 2008 and by Intrum Justicia AB 2009 been given the judgement ”Högsta kreditvärdighet” (highest credit mark). According to UC Risk Riskprognos 0.15 % och Riskklass 5. (risc prognostics)
Ann S Pihlgren was given the 2004 DAKS-owl, the association for a democratizing and activating school for extraordinary achievements within the work for students’ influence and democracy.
Ann S Pihlgren was given the 2009 Skolportenstipendium for the best dissertation of the year, with the motivation:
”To Ann S Pihlgren because she unites the old greek with Swedish students of today, because she brings together abstract philosophy and concrete practicable activity, because she explains and offers a method for teatching in real independent thinking.”
Ann S Pihlgren
Ann has been working all her professional life with education and quality, which among other things has meant working with organizational development, quality issues, revision and assessment as well as leadership training and guidance within the public and private sector. Within education Ann is a doctor of philosophy. She does research, and nowadays educates teachers, is a university lecturer, has been active as a teacher in primary and secondary school, head master at municipal and private schools responsible for primary to secondary school, nursery school, childminders and after-school leasurecentres. She has also been working with assessment and education on the school Board.
Ann has many years of experience as a principal and leader on different levels, being head of management for the municipal executive board, as well as on a middle management level. She is a trained examiner for the Honour of Swedish Quality, USK, has among other things been working as a teacher at the municipal association’s university courses for quality developers and leaders and was for several years adjudicator for the Honour of Good Quality in Karlstad. She is an author and a coveted lecturer, instructor and consultant within education, leadership and quality issues. Nowadays she divides her time between being managing director, instructor and consultant at Kunskapskällan as well as lecturing and being director of studies at Stockholm University. She has also been chairman of the child- and school board within the municipality of Norrtälje. She is now chairman of the election board and has for many years had a place within the local government counsel and the municipal executive board as well as having church political commissions.
Fields of work within Kunskapskällan: education and school development, leader instruction, leadership development, quality development and quality revision, evaluation and development of organisation, EU-projects, philosophical guidance and instruction.
Kjell Pihlgren
Kjell has been a teacher and school leader since the beginning of the 1960′s and has wide experience of all types of schools and stages in Sweden as well as abroad. He has been a municipal politician with commissions within the local government counsel and has been chairman within the social board and the vote- and democracy board. He is a politician within the church and has wide experience of associationism. Kjell has spend a lot of time and interest on education, both as a teacher and chairman within Medborgarskolan. He has during a longer period educated and been an instructor for politicians on different levels. Kjell works with commissions of inquiry, mostly when it comes to incorporation, purchasing of entrepreneurs and constructions. He also works with helping to conduct negotiations for smaller companies, for example independent schools. Withing Kunskapskällan he is also responsible for administration and economy.
Fields of work within Kunskapskällan: political organisation och directing, guidence of political leaders, inquiries, incorporation and purchasing of entrepreneurs, help with negotiation, economy and administration.